Hey Mom! I've Got This!

Hey Mom! I've Got This!

He hadn't shown any interest in learning to ride a bike so you can imagine my surprise when he suddenly decided to hop on the one we bought him two years ago and without ever using training wheels was up and riding instantaneously.

I'm still not sure how this happened.

He simply sailed by and said, “Hey Mom! I've got this!”.

The irony is that I had been inwardly chastising myself for not teaching him to ride his bike. It was as if he had telepathy and decided to ease my “bad mom” burden by proving to me that when he decided he was ready, he would just do it.

Some of the most pivotal milestones that I thought I would have to face with grit and determination have actually proven to be no-brainers.

My second child potty trained himself and decided one night that he did not want to wear a pull up. He never had an accident. He was ready and he knew it.

My third son thought it perfectly normal to begin walking like a champ at 9 months of age without mama's input or encouragement and he hasn't sat in a high chair since he was 10 months old. It's too babyish for him, apparently.

I'm beginning to realize two things.

First of all, when my kids know they are ready for something, even if it's much sooner than I think they are ready, they don't question their feelings, analyze the possibilities, or become daunted by all the things that could go wrong.

They just do it, and they do it with a happy heart, enjoying the process. Sounds like something I should apply to my own life.

Secondly, if they aren't stressed about these “big moments” then I shouldn't stress either.

Granted, there have been other issues that took way longer than I thought reasonable. Like the sleeping through the night thing. But, man, these boys are helping me let go in some wonderful ways. Their independence can be a really great thing for them and for me. No need to anticipate disaster or difficulty when it just might work out perfectly fine!

As I continue to see what milestones God has for me, I'm encouraged by my boys' attitudes and confidence. There are a few areas in my life where I have been stuck as if my training wheels are trapped in the mud. Author Holley Gerth and her new book about fulfilling your God-Sized Dreams has been so instrumental in helping me fulfill God's plans for my life. I found it so fitting that her challenge to us this week was to find something “fun” to do that energizes us so that we can feel refreshed as we pursue our own big moments in life. Watching my big boy ride his bike with the smile of a boy unleashed and carefree was just what I needed.

When you feel you are ready to conquer that dream before you, no matter the size, embrace it like a child does. And then let it ride.

YOUR TURN! What kinds of fun are you having this week? What delights you? Do you have the confidence to follow your own God-Sized Dreams? I love to hear from you!!

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. Psalm 115:1

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